Tuesday, 25 December 2012

More of the same...

Here you can see more work gone into adding surface details.

I made use of more of the thin styrene strips to cover the joins in the pieces - another tip from Ian's pages. Lots of glue and sanding was then applied to smooth them off and make it all feel like a single piece.

On the back plate and in one or two other spots I carefully applied drops of glue. Now it's dried the form smooth rounded shapes I couldn't have achieved easily otherwise.

In the background of one of the images, you can see the start of the front laser. I'm going with a much simpler hull design than Ian's - no extra thrusters, dishes, external missiles or similar.

1 comment:

  1. So nice to see! I built one similar in 1984 I think when it came came out on the BBC micro...
